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operative instruments中文是什么意思

用"operative instruments"造句"operative instruments"怎么读"operative instruments" in a sentence


  • 手术器械


  • Consider this cable as the operative instrument
  • This swift is an operative instrument and no mail confirmation will follow
  • This is an operative instrument . which is callable at the counters of issuing bank , london . new york or zurich
    这是一个有效的契约(文件) .此证在开证行、伦敦、纽约及苏黎世支行具有法律效力。
  • ( 2 ) to introduce the method of design and fabrication of the hip resurfacing prosthesis and operative instruments , and to present the method of operation and the early clinical results in 7 patients 8 hips 2 - 14 months after operation
    ( 2 )介绍髋关节表面置换假体及手术器械的设计、制作、手术方法和临床应用,并进行7例8髋近期随访。
  • ( 2 ) to introduce the methods of design and fabrication of surface arthroplasty prosthesis and operative instruments of hip joint and to present the preliminary clinical application ( 3 ) to evaluate the clinical results of resurfacing arthroplasty in the treatment of avascular necrosis of femoral head of the hip using the prosthesis designed by mcminn . ( 4 ) to study the pathological changes of the femoral heads suffering from osteonecrosis and osteoarthritis
    ( 2 )进行髋关节表面置换假体及手术器械的设计制作与临床近期疗效观察。 ( 3 )评价mcminn假体髋表面置换术治疗股骨头缺血性坏死的临床效果。 ( 4 )研究股骨头缺血性坏死与骨关节炎骨、软骨的病理变化及细胞凋亡。
  • Methods the small incision in the hairline was used under local anesthesia , and decollement was performed through subgaleal and superficial temporoparietal fascia with special operative instrument set , completely release the supraorbital rim , cut or excise the muscle and fascia that product the facial wrinkles , superior suspension of the ptotic frontotempon tissues
用"operative instruments"造句  
operative instruments的中文翻译,operative instruments是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译operative instruments,operative instruments的中文意思,operative instruments的中文operative instruments in Chineseoperative instruments的中文operative instruments怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。